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Internationale Konferenz “The Future of Trade in a Polarized World Order”

23. Juni 2023 @ 8:00 - 25. Juni 2023 @ 17:00


The Austrian Foundation for Development Research (ÖFSE) in cooperation with the University of Vienna (Institute for International Development), the Chamber of Labour Vienna, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Brussels, the Network Anders Handeln and Attac Austria is organizing an international conference on "The Future of Trade in a Polarized World Order".

The conference is transdisciplinary and aims at bringing together representatives of Austrian and European academia with civil society and politics, to reflect together on the current challenges in the field of trade and to advance sustainable and solidarity-based approaches to international cooperation. Keynote speakers include Sandra Polaski (Boston University), Jan Orbie (Ghent Univ.), Melinda St. Louis (Public Citizen), Luciana Ghiotto (Transnational University), among others.

We would like to invite academics, social activists and policy-makers from civil society, trade unions, and other progressive political organizations to participate in the conference, as the primary aim is to facilitate an exchange between two important communities - the community of critical scholars and researchers on trade policy and the community of trade policy-makers and trade activists.

Due to limited space, we kindly ask you to register until 16 June 2023 at https://www.conftool.net/future-of-trade-2023/


23. Juni 2023 @ 8:00
25. Juni 2023 @ 17:00


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