What does Europe bring us? The EU election in the PowerShift check

From 6 to 9 June, the people of Europe will elect the European Parliament. The EU also has a major influence on the PowerShift sectors - raw materials, trade, investment, climate and energy policy. In this special episode shortly before the EU election, we will therefore meet three speakers from the different areas of PowerShift: Hannah Pilgrim (commodity policy), Neelke Wagner (climate and energy policy) and Thomas Fritz (trade and investment policy). We want to talk about which issues are becoming particularly important in the EU and what would have to happen from a PowerShift point of view in order for the EU to contribute to an ecologically sound energy and global economy.

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This publication has received financial support from Commitment to Global and this Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) created. For the content of the publication are solely responsible to the publishers; the positions shown here do not reflect the position of the donors.
