Stop EU-Mercosur

Campaign image Stop EU Mercosur

EU - Mercosur: An Outdated Agreement

The EU-Mercosur agreement is part of an outdated 20th century trade policy that is destroying the planet: It serves corporate interests and comes at the expense of planetary boundaries, unsustainable social inequality and animal welfare.

Priority for corporate interests

The objectives and core elements of this Agreement are in direct conflict with climate action, food sovereignty and respect for human rights and animal welfare. The FTA will further promote the destruction and collapse of the biodiversity of the Amazon, Cerrado and Gran Chaco through the expansion of livestock and ethanol quotas and will continue an extractive agricultural model characterized by overgrazing, the expansion of fattening farms and chemically intensive monocultures. It would be a disastrous political signal that horrific human rights violations related to the supply chains laid out in this agreement are acceptable.

The trade agreement will destroy livelihoods in both Europe and South America and bring smallholder families and workers to their knees. It increases trade in agricultural commodities on the one hand and trade in polluting cars on the other, and therefore poses an immediate threat to jobs in the Mercosur countries. It continues the path dependency of South American economies as cheap exporters of raw materials obtained by destroying vital natural resources, rather than encouraging the development of healthy, diversified and resilient economies.

Sustainable trade policy is different

For a good future, a 21st century trade model must serve the efforts to create socially just and environmentally resilient societies based on the principles of solidarity, protection of human rights and our planetary boundaries, rather than undermining them. Across Europe and South America, citizens join forces against the EU-Mercosur agreement and are committed to a better future. We, the signatory organisations, are part of this movement calling on governments to stop the EU-Mercosur agreement!

Our videos on the EU-Mercosur agreement

People around the world are demanding #Stop EU-Mercosur

Highly dangerous pesticides for South America – the EU-Mercosur Agreement

Accelerators - The EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement

Our publications on the EU-Mercosur Agreement

Mythbuster on the EU-Mercosur poison treaty

Info poster “For Export Only”: Consequences of EU trade agreements for smallholder agriculture in Latin America

Mobility turnaround slowed down. The EU-Mercosur Agreement and the car industry

Infographic: Paraguay - The Forgotten Land of Mercosur

Travel guide: EU Mercosur: Ahead of the (climate) crisis

Travel guide: EU-Mercosur - A toxic agreement

Analysis of the Agreement between the European Union and Mercosur

EU Mercosur: Attack on climate protection and human rights

The EU Association Agreement with Mercosur

Toxic Double Standards - How Europe sells products deemed too dangerous for Europeans to the rest of the world


Our podcasts on the EU-Mercosur Agreement

EU-Mercosur - The impact of the proposed trade agreement on women

Toxic shops: How the EU-Mercosur Agreement promotes trade in pesticides

German Presidency of the Council of the EU: Priority free trade

No deal with rainforest destroyers!

Protestpostkarten und Aktionspakete

Active against unfair trade agreements with Latin America - postcard action & action packages!

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