Articles and Opinions, Trade and Investment Policy

Toxic Double Standards – How Europe sells products deemed too dangerous for Europeans to the rest of the world

Title against orange background with plastic bottle

More than 100 non-governmental organisations, including Amnesty International, the Children's Rights International Network and Greenpeace, have called on the European Union to close the loopholes they describe as ‘hypocritical, cruel, unfair and unsustainable’, which allow companies in the EU to export products to other parts of the world, even if those products are banned in Europe for security reasons.

Laws governing the sale and use of pesticides, children's toys, toxic chemicals, single-use plastics and intrusive artificial intelligence systems are subject to a loophole that allows companies to export dangerous categories of goods from Europe to the rest of the world.

Read the joint briefing and the full list of 117 signatories here:
