EU Mercosur: Trade until collapse? – Business at the expense of climate and human rights, profits above all else

Information and discussion on consequences and resistance: The impact of the planned EU trade agreement in the South American Mercosur countries. And what we can do about it. Discuss: Biancka Arruda Miranda (cooperation Brazil [...]
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Travel guide: EU Mercosur: Ahead of the (climate) crisis

The travel guide "EU-Mercosur: Forward into the (climate) crisis" leads to the most popular destinations of European products, destroying industries in Mercosur and further heating the climate. Come with us on [...]
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Integrating environmental and climate protection into trade agreements

How trade agreements contribute to a more sustainable global economy could in many cases jeopardise ambitious environmental and climate protection. But that doesn't have to be the case. A variety of proposals exist, such as trade agreements...
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