Last year, in a joint project with organisations from Argentina and Brazil, we conducted studies on the impact of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement on women and women-readers. This resulted in the publication of the guidebook "Unsafe work, job loss and poverty - the impact of the EU-Mercosur agreement on women", which has also been published in Spanish and Portuguese. This was presented at a conference in Rio de Janeiro in November 2023. There, Bettina Müller from PowerShift had the opportunity to talk to 20 people (almost all women) from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia and Peru. In interviews, they summarised their experiences and insights on the (expected) impact of trade agreements with the EU. This, in turn, we have in an ten-part web series "¡BASTA! - feminist voices on EU trade agreements with Latin Americabundled.
In the coming weeks, we will have all 10 episodes on our YouTube channel publish, in German, Spanish and Portuguese. Follow us and don't miss a single episode: @POWERSHIFTnetwork