Articles and Opinions, Trade and Investment Policy

Climate check Trade policy – How climate-friendly is European trade policy?

Summary Introduction EU foreign trade: Contribution to climate change trade agreements: Drivers of global warming Multilateral trade policy: inconsistent Unilateral trading instruments: Not always climate-friendly European foreign investment: Lack of...
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Case study: CETA assessment of the climate impact of trade policies and agreements

Introduction Methodology EU-Canada trade in goods Climate policy rules, institutions and decisions Committees set up under CETA and bilateral dialogues Investments: Flows, Stocks and Protection Recommendations
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Mobility turnaround slowed down. The EU-Mercosur Agreement and the car industry

The study, published by a broad coalition of civil society organisations, entitled ‘Mobility transition slowed down. The EU-Mercosur Agreement and the Auto Industry" examines the relationship of the planned EU Association Agreement with the...
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EU Mercosur: Attack on climate protection and human rights

The consequences of the EU Association Agreement with Mercosur for people and the environment at the end of June, the negotiators of the EU and Mercosur announced a political agreement that will mark the imminent end of the [...]
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Environmental protection in the sustainability chapters of EU trade agreements

The EU wants to make its trade policy more environmentally and climate-friendly with so-called sustainability chapters. But does it work? Thomas Fritz doubts the effectiveness of the sustainability chapters in this study.
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