Transformation by design, not by disaster!
For decades, we have been living beyond our means, consuming many times the metallic, fossil, mineral, and renewable resources that the planet can sustainably provide. The costs are borne in particular by people in the raw material producing and exporting countries of the Global South, as well as by future generations who are confronted with destroyed habitats and the threat to their livelihoods, for example through the pollution of drinking water. At the same time, Germany has committed itself to becoming climate neutral by 2045, conserving natural diversity and almost completely phasing out the use of fossil fuels.
This publication is a civil society appeal to reduce primary resource use, supported by numerous organizations and initiatives. We appeal to the Federal Government to have the courage to change and to overcome party-political boundaries in order not to let this opportunity pass and to initiate a fundamental change in resources as quickly as possible!
Find out more about our campaign: Raw materials turnaround now. Check out our publications and listen to our podcasts.
The publication is also available in English.