Verhandlungen zu EU-Mercosur-Abkommen abgeschlossen, trotz massiver Kritik
6 December 2024
Berlin, 06.12: Heute wurden die Verhandlungen zum EU-Mercosur-Abkommen offiziell für beendet erklärt. Damit rückt eine Ratifizierung des kontroversen Abkommens näher. Mit dieser Entscheidung ignorieren die vier Regierungschefs der Mercosur-Staaten und […]
400 Organisationen und Bündnisse fordern Stopp des EU-Mercosur-Abkommens
28 November 2024
Berlin, 28.11: Nur eine Woche vor einer möglichen Ankündigung eines neuen politischen Abkommens zum EU-Mercosur-Handelsabkommen fordern 400 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen, soziale Bewegungen, Think Tanks und andere soziale Gruppen aus Lateinamerika und […]
Publikationsveröffentlichung: “Metallhandel: Der blinde Fleck in der Lieferkette”
29 August 2024
Am 29. August 2024 von 9:00 bis 10:00 Uhr informierten Expertinnen aus Wissenschaft und NGO-Sektor über die Rolle von Metallhändlern in Lieferketten und deren Verantwortung für Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Umweltzerstörung. Organisiert […]
New data tool shows: Investors Claimed $114 Billion in Compensation in Secret Arbitration
6. June 2024
Berlin, 06.06: Investors have tried to claim a total of USD 857 billion from states through ISDS lawsuits in recent years – USD 114 billion has been awarded to them. This is shown by the new database [...]
Earth Overshoot Day in Germany soon reached: New Study Shows How Raw Material Reduction Helps Fight Earth Overload
29 April 2024
Berlin, 29.04: This year, Germany will reach Earth Overshoot Day on 2 May, two days earlier than last year. A new publication now shows: Reduction of raw materials, [...]
A bad day for climate killers: EU Parliament gives green light to phase out Energy Charter Treaty
22 April 2024
Berlin, 24.04.2024: Today, at its last session of this legislative term, the European Parliament overwhelmingly approved the EU's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). 560 Members of Parliament [...]
Press release: New study shows: Reduction of raw materials in Germany is necessary and possible
28. March 2024
Berlin, 28.03.2024: Germany's industry consumes too many metallic raw materials at almost 80 million tonnes in 2022. To protect the climate and to protect environmental degradation and human rights violations – which are always [...]
Press release: Berlin: District heating buyback must be the starting signal for a sustainable heat transition!
21. March 2024
Berlin, 21.03.2024: Today, the Berlin House of Representatives decides on the acquisition of Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG. PowerShift would welcome the remunicipalisation of Berlin's district heating supply. However, the state of Berlin also acquires [...]
Press release: Guinea: Certification of bauxite mine despite human rights violations and environmental destruction
12. March 2024
Berlin, 12.03.2024: The non-governmental organizations FIAN and PowerShift criticize the preliminary certification of the bauxite mine of the Compagnie des Bauxites des Guinée (CBG) by the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI). Certification based on [...]
Press release: 500 NGOs call for NO to EU-Chile agreement
26 February 2024
Berlin, 27.02.2024: On Thursday 29 February, the European Parliament will vote on the trade and investment agreement with Chile. More than 500 civil society organisations and personalities from the EU and Latin America have [...]
Press release: Does the EU perpetuate old injustices in South Africa?
5 February 2024
Berlin, 05.02.2024: On Monday, the Mining Indaba, the most important mining conference on the African continent, begins in South Africa. The Parliamentary State Secretary Dr. Franziska Brantner (BMWK) will also visit [...]
Press release: Environmental Alliance warns against CCS
30 January 2024
Berlin/Hamburg, 30.01.2024: On the occasion of the forthcoming publication of the Federal Government's Carbon Management Strategy, a broad alliance of environmental associations and citizens' initiatives is urgently warning of the dangers of carbon capture and storage (CCS).
Das EU-Chile Handelsabkommen verhindert eine global gerechte sozial-ökologische Transformation
18. January 2024
Berlin, 18.01.: Vor der Abstimmung über das erweiterte EU-Chile Handels- und Investitionsabkommen im Handelsausschuss des EU-Parlamentes am 24. Januar veröffentlichen über 100 zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen aus der EU eine Erklärung, in […]
Press release on the Critical Raw Materials Act
12 December 2023
Berlin, 12.12.2023: The European Parliament today wants to give the green light to an investment plan in the raw materials sector. German environmental and development organisations fear the weakening of environmental standards in Europe and human rights violations in [...]
Press release on Lula da Silva's state visit: Stop EU-Mercosur!
4 December 2023
Berlin, 4. December 2023: At the beginning of Brazilian President Lula da Silva's state visit to Berlin, civil society organisations are calling for a renegotiation of the controversial free trade agreement between the EU and the Mercosur states. [...]
Press release on the EU-New Zealand trade agreement
22 November 2023
Berlin, 22.11.2023: "The presentation of the agreement as the EU's most progressive trade agreement is a deception of the public", explains Thomas Fritz, trade expert at PowerShift. After all, the agreed tariff reduction is aimed at increasing bilateral [...]
Press release on the EU-Chile trade agreement
21 November 2023
Berlin, 21.11.2023: Tomorrow, Wednesday, the Federal Cabinet will vote on the approval of the EU-Chile Trade and Investment Agreement. If the ministers agree, the way would be clear from the German side to [...]
Press release on the agreement on the Critical Raw Materials Act
14 November 2023
Berlin, 14.11.2023: Yesterday evening, the European Parliament, member states and the European Commission agreed on the Critical Raw Materials Act, just eight months after the European Commission presented its draft. The last technical questions are [...]
Press Release on Two New Energy Charter Lawsuits
1 November 2023
Berlin, 1 November 2023: The environmental organization PowerShift is very concerned about two arbitration lawsuits filed against Germany under the Energy Charter Treaty in the past two weeks. On the one hand, complains [...]
Press release on the day of action “Get out of the gas lobby! Get out of the future Gas!”
25 September 2023
Berlin, 25 September 2023: In Berlin, civil society is now taking its protest against the manipulative tactics of the gas industry directly to the doors of the lobby association “Zukunft Gas”. Experts from various organizations and [...]
Press release on the leaked CETA interpretation declaration
21 September 2023
Berlin, 21 September 2023: With a “Declaration of Interpretation”, the CETA contracting parties want to dispel the ongoing criticism of the investment protection chapter in the European-Canadian Free Trade Agreement. PowerShift and the Environmental Institute Munich today announced the [...]
Press release on the Energy Industry Dialogue
13 September 2023
Berlin, 13 September 2023: The Energy Industry Dialogue - in which PowerShift is also involved - published today the report ‘Potential human rights risks along supply and value chains’. Therein have [...]
Press release on the National Hydrogen Strategy
31. July 2023
Berlin, 26 July 2023: The new edition of the National Hydrogen Strategy, approved today by the Federal Cabinet, provides for the promotion of not only green hydrogen, but also blue, turquoise and orange hydrogen. With [...]
Press release on the ECT judgment of the Federal Court of Justice
27. July 2023
Berlin, 27 July 2023: With today's decision of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) that Member States of the European Union can avail themselves of upstream national legal protection against arbitration proceedings, the pressure on [...]
Press release on the EU-CELAC summit
18. July 2023
Berlin/Brussels, 13 July 2023: A coalition of more than 450 civil society organisations from Latin America and the EU, which opposes the signing of trade agreements between the EU, Mercosur, Mexico and [...]
Press release on the Critical Raw Materials Act
18. July 2023
Berlin/Brussels, 14 July 2023: Next week, the Environment Committee [ENVI] and the International Trade Committee [INTA] in the European Parliament will vote on the Critical Raw Materials Act [...]