Publication,Raw materials policy

New raw material needs in the EU – how they exacerbate old injustices in South Africa

Freight train in front of mine in the background

Against the background of Germany and the EU as major raw material importers, this new brochure focuses on South Africa, which is one of the largest raw material producers in the world. Historically, it has played an important role in meeting Europe's raw material needs, which continues to this day. On the basis of the metals iron ore, manganese, platinum group metals and gold, insights into the manifold human rights and ecological challenges in the appropriation, extraction and transport of raw materials are shown and placed in the current context of German and European raw material policy.
In the accompanying podcast, Thumeka Magwangqana from Sinethemba Marikana Women's Collective and journalist Thapelo Lekgowa also report on the challenges on the ground.

This publication has received financial support from Commitment to Global and this Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) created. For the content of the publication are solely responsible to the publishers; the positions shown here do not reflect the position of the donors.
