Artículos y dictámenes

In this new Lunch and Learn series we want to explore the role of international trade for energy transition in Europe with voices from the global South based on specific examples.

Almuerzo & Aprender serie: Comercio internacional: ¿oportunidad o escollo para la transición energética en Europa?

Almuerzo y Aprendizaje Poster Comercio Internacional - ¿Oportunidad o escollo para la transición energética?

Join us online on: Feb. 27th, March 6th, March 13th and March 20th – 12-1pm CET

The recent confrontations in German town Lützerath are uncovering just how twisted the fight for energy transition in Europe is. Beyond debates on renewable energy and consumption reduction, there is one pitfall for energy transition in Europe that needs more attention beyond nerdy economists: international trade.

In order to secure critical raw materials and international investment, the EU has been and is negotiating trade agreements. While it is undoubted that we need raw materials from the global South for an energy transition, the current profiteers of this neocolonial system are transnational corporations. If we really want an energy transition that serves the people and the planet, we need to rethink international trade!

In this new Lunch and Learn series we want to explore the role of international trade for energy transition in Europe with voices from the global South based on specific examples like the EU-Chile agreement securing Lithium, EU-Colombia and coal or the Energy Charter Treaty. The sessions will be held in English.


The Lunch & Learn series is organised by PowerShift e.V. together with Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung and Anders Handeln Österreich.

Logoteppich FUE Anders Handeln
