Wir zeigen Wege aus der Klimakrise. Unser Ziel ist eine ökologisch und sozial gerechte Welt. Mit umfassenden Recherchen durchleuchten wir politische Prozesse, benennen die Probleme eines ungerechten globalen Wirtschaftssystems und entwickeln Handlungsalternativen. Durch Lobbyarbeit bewegen wir Entscheidungsträger*innen in der Politik dazu, die nötigen politischen Rahmenbedingungen für Veränderung zu setzen. Wir führen Aktionen und Kampagnen durch und schmieden starke Netzwerke – mit anderen Organisationen, sozialen Bewegungen und Bürger*innen. Gemeinsam mischen wir uns ein!
Tine Laufer has been with PowerShift since 2017 and has taken over the role of Managing Director since 2018. She has been a member of the PowerShift Board of Directors since 2023. She studied law, international relations and organizational sciences. Before joining PowerShift, she headed the DAAD office in Armenia, worked as a guest lecturer at the Siberian Federal University in Russia and at WEED in the PC Global project.
Adrian Bornmann has been working at PowerShift since 2023. He holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations and a Master's degree in Governance and Human Rights. He has gained experience in the field of communication and press relations at the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V. and the Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland e.V..
Trade and investment policy
Fabian Flues works at PowerShift as a consultant for trade and investment policy, focusing on the relationship between trade, raw material extraction and processing and environmental protection. Prior to joining PowerShift, he worked at Friends of the Earth in Brussels, among others.
Bettina Müller
Bettina Müller studied politics and international relations. From 2014 to 2018, she lived and worked in Argentina - already on international trade policy. After an eventful period of action on the South American continent, she embarked on new adventures at the beginning of 2019 and into the arms of PowerShift, where she now deals with European trade and investment policy. She is particularly interested in investor-state arbitration, an unjust, private legal system that urgently needs to be abolished.
Alessa Hartmann
Alessa Hartmann has been working at PowerShift on trade and investment policy since 2014 and is primarily concerned with the influence of trade and investment protection regulations on environmental and development policy. She is also a member of the coordination group of the Just World Trade Network. Before joining PowerShift, she worked at the Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung and the Association for Development Policy of German Non-Governmental Organisations - VENRO.
At PowerShift, Thomas Fritz is committed to the social and environmental sustainability of retail. He works on the coherence of trade policy with norms and regulations on supply chains, human rights, environmental and climate protection. Prior to joining PowerShift, he worked for the Research and Documentation Center Chile-Latin America (FDCL) as well as as a specialist author and consultant.
Climate and resource justice
Neelke Wagner has been working at PowerShift since May 2023 as a consultant for climate and resource justice. Her focus is on the energy sector. She has worked as a speaker for hydrogen, climate protection and heat transition at the Climate Alliance Germany and before that for energy and climate policy at the Left Party in the Bundestag and at Klaus Ernst, MdB. As a journalist, she has already devoted herself to the energy transition (for example, at the solar magazine Photon). Since she has also been responsible for the publications of Mehr Demokratie for several years, she is also at home in the field of (direct) democracy.
Raw materials policy
Michael Reckordt has been working at PowerShift since May 2013 and is a consultant for raw materials policy. The graduate geographer is former managing director of the Philippine office (2009 to 2013) and coordinator of the AK Rohstoffe network (2013 to 2020). His focus is on German raw material policy and the mining conditions of metallic raw materials worldwide. It is particularly important to him to push ahead with the urgently needed change in raw materials. When he is not concerned with metals and human rights, he runs after his daughter, is a columnist for the oldest music fanzine in the world and enjoys the lowlands of Berlin's amateur football.
Hannah Pilgrim has been supporting the work of the Raw Materials Policy Team for a few years; Since March 2020, she has been working as coordinator of the AK Rohstoffe at PowerShift and is committed to making Germany's raw materials policy more equitable and democratic globally. Otherwise, she likes to move, on rails, wheels or in thoughts. Likes sound, voices and dance, and likes to be irritated.
Hendrik Schnittker has been supporting PowerShift since 2021. Since mid-2022, he has been a speaker on the energy and raw materials transition. His focus is on the metal demand for renewable energy infrastructure and the question of how we can cover it in the long term and still take action against destructive mining.
Vanessa Fischer joined PowerShift in 2021. She has studied Global Studies, Social Sciences and Asian-African Studies in Berlin, Shanghai, Buenos Aires and New Delhi. Prior to joining PowerShift, she worked as an editor at nd and worked on free trade agreements in India at Focus on the Global South.
Since September 2023, Maja Wilke has been with PowerShift, since January 2024 as a consultant for raw materials policy. Before that, she studied International Relations, worked in the Green Office of her university and spent some time in Latin America.
Prof. Dr. Kristina Dietz
I am involved in the advisory board of PowerShift, because for me PowerShift is one of the most important, critical voices in Germany, which is well-founded and from a global perspective for a socially and ecologically just treatment of the climate crisis and energy transition. I am happy to support that!
Pia Eberhardt
I'm on PowerShift's advisory board because the organisation works tirelessly against trade policy in the sole interest of corporations, even if the issue threatens to disappear from the public eye.
Prof. Dr. Franziska Müller
I am involved in the advisory board of PowerShift, because successful resistance against green extractivism and green colonialism can only succeed through solidary and competent lines of communication between metropolises and mines.
Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch
I am a member of the advisory board to reflect with PowerShift on my own role in a changing world.
Anil Shah
I support PowerShift so that the rules of the world economy serve social and environmental goals rather than the profit interests of companies.
Board of Directors and Management
Tine Laufer has been with PowerShift since 2017 and has taken over the role of Managing Director since 2018. She has been a member of the PowerShift Board of Directors since 2023. She studied law, international relations and organizational sciences. Before joining PowerShift, she headed the DAAD office in Armenia, worked as a guest lecturer at the Siberian Federal University in Russia and at WEED in the PC Global project.
Peter Fuchs is a Dipl.-Economist/Dipl.-Socialist economist and has been active in environmental policy and internationalist work for many years. He is the "founding father" of PowerShift, Managing Director and until 2018 worked mainly on international trade and investment policy. In the meantime, he is building up our partner organization PowerShift Brandenburg e.V. on a voluntary basis and is working on the topics of energy transition, citizen energy and agri-PV.
In addition to work, he tries to get his little daughter to play football and bike - later on: Bacon board games - to motivate.
Merle Groneweg is on the board of PowerShift. The focus of her work is on the raw material consumption of cars as well as the interlinking of raw material and trade policy. She is also interested in EU-China economic relations. Merle Groneweg studied regional studies in Berlin, Beijing and Paris (B.A.) and global political economy in Kassel (M.A.). She has a great passion for green tea, bicycles and cinema.
Antonia Vangelista
Antonia Vangelista supports PowerShift as a freelancer, especially on the podcast Kompass Weltwirtschaft. In her studies, she has dealt with international relations and political economy. She also works as a freelance journalist.
Elena Gnant is a freelancer at PowerShift. It supports PowerShift in the area of raw materials policy and organizes, among other things, the crash course on raw materials policy.
After completing her bachelor's degree at Bard College Berlin, where she studied mainly political science and economics, Emma Jacoby started a voluntary ecological year at the Stiftung Naturschutz Berlin. She has been working for PowerShift as part of her FÖJ since October.
Leonel Müller completed an internship in the raw materials office after completing his bachelor's degree in political science. Since then, he has been supporting PowerShift as a freelancer in various resource policy and organizational activities. At the same time, he is studying economics. He is particularly interested in Latin America.
Our values
- At PowerShift e.V., we stand clearly against any form of exclusion:
- Racism, sexism and discrimination based on poverty, social origin, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and physical ability are at odds with our core values and principles of human rights, dignity and social justice.
- We are aware that there are actually no non-dominant and non-discriminatory spaces. We see this as a permanent learning process and try to critically question our own privileges, hierarchies and power dynamics.
- We trust in the findings of science and distance ourselves clearly from anti-Enlightenment currents such as the lateral thinking movement, which spread conspiracy theories and false information.
- Concrete measures and commitments:
- No participation in males (panel on which only men sit as experts)
- As far as possible, no signing of press releases in which only men are quoted
- Observance of the checklist for the avoidance of racism
- Signing of the Call of the Alliance to Rise Against Racism
- Signature of the position paper "Leave no one behind! For a cosmopolitan, solidarity-based society
- Own child protection code
- Support for Indivisible
- Our Netiquette on the use of social media
ISDS allows corporations to put profit above human rights. That has to stop. Therefore: PowerShift!
Anna Cavazzini
As a journalist, I benefit greatly from PowerShift's research and knowledge of commodity policy, trade agreements and corporate power. I am committed to Powershift, so that human rights and resource justice are finally implemented!
Kathrin Hartmann
"In Bolivia, we are dealing with 500 years of mining, the associated poverty and the effects of colonialism. We gave away our raw materials or sold them far too cheaply. This injustice must end. Therefore: PowerShift...!
Oscar Choque
I am committed to PowerShift because our politicians are often influenced by corporations. This must be revealed!
Max Bank
Political literacy at all levels of action is needed to bring about fundamental change. That's what PowerShift is committed to and that's why I support and recommend this organization.
Dr. Boniface Mabanza Bambu
We need strong global networks to show politicians and mining companies that human rights matter! The mining industry is global, and our solidarity needs to be global as well! Therefore we need and we are proud to be working together with PowerShift.
Jaybee Garganera
PowerShift is a well-connected organization. We support German, European and international development networks through sound expertise. We believe in the power of the many. Together we are strong!
Our history
- 2023 EU Mercosur: Together with more than 450 other NGOs, we have prevented the signing of the EU-Mercosur trade agreement again this year. The delaying tactic is successful and the agreement is about to end.
Critical Raw Materials Regulation (CRMA): Under pressure from civil society, the new European law has strengthened indigenous rights, clarified standards and increased recycling rates.
Establishment of the European Raw Materials Coalition: 10 years after the founding of AK Rohstoffe, we founded the Raw Materials Coalition at European level together with more than 50 other civil society organisations, where PowerShift is represented on the Steering Committee. - 2022 Germany's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty: Our campaign to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty is having an impact. Germany will withdraw from the Treaty in December 2022. Other countries follow suit and shake up the entire treaty.
Raw materials summit: The AK Rohstoffe organizes the first Civil Society Raw Materials Summit and gives civil society demands a voice to decision-makers from politics and business. - 2021 Supply Chain Act: PowerShift is involved in the Supply Chain Act initiative. In 2021, the Bundestag will adopt the German Supply Chain Act. The law obliges companies to fulfil their responsibilities in the supply chain with regard to respect for internationally recognised human rights and certain environmental standards.
Bauxite mining in Guinea: Our bauxite mining campaign in Guinea generates publicity and supports the local population in making their voices heard. Their demand for a functioning infirmary and improvement of the drinking water supply will be met. - 2020 EU-Mercosur Agreement: The Walloon regional government calls on the Belgian government not to ratify the agreement in its current form. In your decision, she refers to our study on the EU-Mercosur Agreement for the European Greens.
- 2019 European campaign against corporate complaints Our networking work pays off. Together with more than 150 European NGOs, we fight against corporate lawsuits and ensure that the issue remains in the public eye. 847,000 supporters sign our call and give their voice to the cause.
- 2017 Coal phase-out in Berlin Our information and campaign work pays off: The Berlin coal phase-out is decided by the Berlin Senate.
- 2016 TTIP Civil society is stopping the TTIP free trade agreement. Our research and educational work have made an important contribution to the mobilization.
- 2015 Stop Mad mining Our information and campaign work in the Stop Mad Mining network pays off: Finally, European mining companies are legally bound to human rights in the mining of gold, tantalum, tin and tungsten (agreement conflict minerals regulation).
- 2013 Working Group on Raw Materials AK Rohstoffe will be located at PowerShift, and civil society will have a strong voice in raw materials policy.
- 2012 inauguration PowerShift Büro PowerShift e.V. moves to the House of Democracy in Berlin with its own office
PowerShift supports the Transparent Civil Society Initiative. The initiative has defined ten fundamental points that every civil society organisation should make available to the public. These include statutes, decision-makers as well as information on the source of funds, use of funds and personnel structure. Information on transparency