Energy policy
PowerShift has been committed to climate protection since 2010. Our work in the field of climate policy always focuses on the development dimension of our resource and energy consumption.
We helped build regional and national climate alliances and were instrumental in the successful campaign to phase out coal in Berlin.
It was through us that the campaign #PlatzFairTeilen initiated and founded the network Berliner Straßen für Alle. Our goal is to achieve a transport transition that takes into account both climate policy issues and human rights problems in the raw materials sector. We show how much space in the cities is blocked by cars and parking spaces and how this space can be made a livable place for people again.
In addition, we are committed to the urgently needed energy transition. In doing so, we focus on the resource consumption of renewable energies and show how the turnaround can succeed in a sustainable way. We provide critical support for the development of the hydrogen infrastructure. We're trying to prevent fossil lock-in.
With Factsheets and studies Let's uncover misdevelopments and show ways out of the climate crisis. On events and with campaigns we inform multipliers from NGOs, trade unions, business, parties and the media, other people about climate policy issues and enable them to work competently for a just globalization.