Transparent Civil Society Initiative

PowerShift supports Transparent Civil Society Initiative, an initiative for transparency among non-profit organisations. Here are ten points of information about PowerShift's goals, where the funds come from, how they are used, and who the decision makers are:


1. Name, registered office, address and year of foundation

  • PowerShift e.V. Greifswalderstr. 4, 10405 Berlin, Germany. More information at: Disclaimer / Contact form
  • PowerShift was founded in Berlin in 2010.

2. Statutes and objectives of the organization

  • The statutes of PowerShift e.V. can be here see it.
  • General information about PowerShift and our main areas of work can be found here: About us
  • Here You will find a description of our self-image, our goals and the priorities set for the respective year.
  • Detailed information on the topics, campaigns and publications we work on can be found under the respective main areas of work: Trade and investment policy, Raw materials policy, Energy policy.

3. Information on the tax advantage

  • We are responsible for the promotion of science and research as well as the promotion of people's and vocational education and training, including student assistance, according to the last exemption notice we received from the Tax Office for Corporations I Berlin, StNr. 27/675/55937 of 26 October 2021 exempted from corporation tax for the years 2018 to 2020 pursuant to Paragraph 5(1)(9) of the Law on corporation tax and from business tax pursuant to Paragraph 3(6) of the Law on trade tax.
  • Membership fees are deductible like donations.

4. Name and function of key decision makers

  • On the Board of PowerShift e.V. are Peter Fuchs (Managing Director), Tine Laufer (Managing Director), Merle Groneweg and Bernd Brouns. The judges are Regine Richter, Michael Reckordt and Alessa Hartmann.

5. Activity report

6. Staff structure

  • In 2023, PowerShift's team consisted of 12 part-time workers between 50% and 75% together (equivalent to 8.25 full-time positions) and was supported by five freelancers. At times, interns are also added: team

7/8. Information on the origin and use of funds

PowerShift is an independent, non-profit association and finances a large part of the projects from pots of political education work and private foundations, as well as from the contributions of the sponsoring members, donations and foundation funds.

Revenue in 2023

Revenue in 2023 totalled EUR 724 779.18. 89 % of which come from project-dependent funding. For example, the trade sector receives a large part of the funding from the State Agency for Development Cooperation (LEZ), from the Funders for Fair Trade and through co-financing through cooperation partners. The energy and climate sector is mainly financed by the LEZ. The raw materials sector is funded by the Development Education Programme (FEB) as well as by OLIN gGmbH and the European Climate Foundation (ECF). A list of all organisations that have made funds available so far can be found under "Partners" in the section About us. We were able to generate around 59,000 euros through donations, sponsorships, membership fees and fines. The remaining income was generated by publication sales, participant contributions and other operating income, such as reimbursements via the Expense Compensation Act or from reserves.

Expenditure 2023

Total expenditure amounted to €724,779.18 in 2023, in line with revenue. The largest item in the total budget was about 61.% personnel costs. In 2023, 12 employees were financed part-time. About 34% of the expenses went into project-related expenses such as fees for freelancers, material and travel costs. The remaining 5% were used for general material and association costs, such as rent, office supplies, etc.

You will find a detailed income statement here.

9. Company law affiliation with third parties

  • PowerShift e.V. is an independent, non-profit association that is not bound to third parties under company law.

10. Largest donors

  • PowerShift e.V. receives financial contributions from the following institutions/organizations, each of which receives more than 10% of annual income: Development Policy Education (FEB) programme. You can find a list of all financial organizations so far at Our Partners at About us.
  • Donations from individuals or organizations that have more than 10% The annual income was not received.