Panel discussion: “100 Days of Remunicipalisation of District Heating Berlin – First Assessment and Future Perspectives”

After Berlin has bought back the district heating network and the associated plants from Vattenfall, we want to take stock: How does Berlin Energie und Wärme work with municipal utilities, Berlin state companies, [...]
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Berlin Position Paper Renewable: How do we create climate-friendly district heating in Berlin?

On the occasion of the remunicipalisation of Vattenfall Wärme AG, the Berlin Renewable Alliance is calling for Berlin to receive genuinely climate-friendly district heating. The heating sector in Berlin accounts for almost half of the climate-damaging [...]
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Press release: Berlin: District heating buyback must be the starting signal for a sustainable heat transition!

Berlin, 21.03.2024: Today, the Berlin House of Representatives decides on the acquisition of Vattenfall Wärme Berlin AG. PowerShift would welcome the remunicipalisation of Berlin's district heating supply. However, the state of Berlin also acquires [...]
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Crash course: The future without natural gas – how do we achieve the heat transition?

In this country and especially in the global south, people are increasingly suffering from the consequences of the climate crisis. Persistently high methane emissions contribute significantly to this. Methane, the main component of natural gas, heats the climate [...]
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