Trade and Investment Policy,Climate Policy,Publication
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Web series: ¡BASTA! – Feminist voices on EU trade agreements with Latin America
Last year, in a joint project with organizations from Argentina and Brazil, we... -
International Perspectives on Raw Materials Reduction in Europe and Germany
The global North consumes too many raw materials. This is what the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) points out in its... -
Press release: 500 NGOs call for NO to EU-Chile agreement
Berlin, 27.02.2024: On Thursday 29 February, the European Parliament will vote on the trade and investment agreement. -
Press release on the Critical Raw Materials Act
Berlin, 12.12.2023: The European Parliament today wants the green light for an investment plan... -
Press release on Lula da Silva's state visit: Stop EU-Mercosur!
Berlin, 4. December 2023: At the beginning of the state visit of Brazilian President Lula da Silva...