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Climate Goals held to Ransom; Exit the Energy Charter Treaty!

18. Mai 2022 @ 19:00 - 20:00

Online Rally

Wednesday 18th May 2022, 6pm-7pm BST/7pm-8pm CEST

The Energy Charter Treaty is the fossil fuel industry’s dirty secret. It means corporations can sue countries for billions over climate action using ISDS (investor-state dispute settlement). As states meet during the final round of failing reform negotiations, people across the globe are saying enough is enough. Join a panel of climate leaders to hear why we must leave the ECT and end climate-destroying ISDS for good.

  • Carola Rackete, ecologist and social justice activist
  • Asad Rehman, War on Want
  • Brenda Akankunda, lawyer and trade analyst with SEATINI Uganda
  • Fernando Valladares, professor and climate change expert
  • Camille Étienne, social and climate justice activist
  • Jeremy Corbin, MP


18. Mai 2022
19:00 - 20:00