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Oil on fire - Reading and discussion on the impact of the current EU raw materials policy

7. October 2024 @ 18:30 - 20:30

In the context of the 5. PowerShift e.V., together with Brot für die Welt, organizes a reading followed by a discussion with the author and journalist Kathrin Hartmann. She will read from her new book "Oil in the Fire". Among other things, the book deals with a failed climate policy and how it drives the global crisis. The consequences of the mining of metals are also discussed. Kathrin Hartmann will then discuss with raw material experts Busisiwe Thabane from the BenchMarks Foundation (South Africa) and Rhoda Viajar from Alyansa Tigil Mina (Philippines) the concrete effects of the EU's current raw material policy on resource-rich countries. Busisiwe Thabane and Rhoda Viajar have been working for many years on the impact of mining in their countries.

The event will be moderated by climate and business journalist Kristin Langen.

The event is in German (reading) and English (discussion).

The event is free of charge, registration is requested.

An overview of all events of the Alternative Raw Materials Week 2024 can be found here.

For more information on individual events, please visit the website of the AK Rohstoffe.


7. October 2024
18:30 - 20:30
Event Tags:
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Church of Zion
Zion's Church Square


Bread for the World