Donation by bank transfer

Independent thinking needs independent money - with your support we change the world

PowerShift has been committed to a more ecologically and socially just global economy since 2010. With extensive research, we examine political processes, identify the problems of an unjust global economic system and develop alternatives for action. We make our knowledge available to all interested parties free of charge.

But political work costs money, if you can, support PowerShift e.V.! This enables effective education and information work for a fairer energy and global economy against global inequality, climate catastrophe and the exploitation of people and nature.

Our bank details:

PowerShift e.V.
IBAN: DE25 4306 0967 1120 6274 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

Thank you very much!

Do you have questions about donations? Contact us.

Photo Tine Laufer

Tine Laufer

Management & Fundraising
+49 (0)30 278 757 36