A 5-part crash course series on EU trade issues that move us

Global trade flows have collapsed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. International supply chains have proven to be less robust. For a short time, the EU seemed to be rethinking its trade policy. But at the end of April, the then Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan celebrated the conclusion of the negotiations on the modernisation of the EU-Mexico trade agreement as an important step on the road to economic reactivation. Despite the massive fires in the Amazon, the German government is sticking to the agreement with the Mercosur states Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay and wants to "improve" at best. The consequences of the EU-Mercosur agreement for the South American and European farmers, workers, the environment and the climate are being minimised. The German government is also consistently pushing ahead with other trade agreements within the framework of its EU Council Presidency. What exactly are these agreements about? Where are the negotiations? And are there actually alternatives to globalized trade, for example through the regionalization of supply chains?
In five 45-minute sessions, from mid-October to mid-November, we aim to address some of the hottest issues of EU trade policy at the moment. After a 20-minute short input, there will be the opportunity to ask questions. After each session, a quiz takes place to ask the participants about their knowledge gain. Staying there is worth it, because the person who gives the most correct answers in the end is rewarded with a great price.
The meetings in detail:
Lunch&Learn (1/5): EU trade policy Current: How has EU trade developed during the pandemic?
Thursday, 15.10., 12.00-12.45
In the first webinar of our five-part series, we talk to Lia Polotzek, Policy Officer for Economics, Finance and Trade at the Federal Government for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany e.V., about the current EU trade policy and the impact of the pandemic on EU trade.
Lunch&Learn (2/5): During Corona Negotiations - EU-Mexico
Thursday, 22.10., 12.00-12.45
In the second webinar of our five-part series, we talk to Nelly Grotefendt, Policy and Economy Officer at the Environment and Development Forum, about the newly negotiated EU-Mexico Agreement.
Lunch&Learn (3/5): So close to ratification - EU-Mercosur
Thursday, 29.10, 12.00-12.45
In the third webinar of our five-part series, we talk to Jürgen Knirsch, trade expert at Greenpeace, on the Ratification process of the EU-Mercosur Agreement.
Lunch&Learn (4/5): The Brexit agreement – the never-ending story?
Thursday, 5 November, 12.00-12.45
In the fourth webinar of our five-part series, we speak with Caroline Binkowski from the University of Potsdam about The ongoing negotiation of Brexit.
Lunch&Learn (5/5): Regionalisation of supply chains – an alternative? The example of milk
Thursday, 12.11., 12.00-12.45
In the fifth webinar of our five-part series, we talk to Alessa Hartmann, Trade and Investment Policy Officer at PowerShift, Take the example of milk, to see if it Regionalisation of supply chains a possible alternative to globalised free trade represent.