Take part in the Twitter campaign to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty. Create your own tweet to Robert Habeck @BMWK, @c_lindner, @OlafScholz or use our templates:
Hello [name minister], did you receive my ⁇ ?
The #EnergyCharterTreaty is a major risk to our climate. Germany and the ⁇ must disembark as soon as possible.
#VoteDownTheECT in ⁇ Council.
TODAY, I and thousands across Europe call on our governments to: #ExitECT and #Support VoteDownTheECT in the ⁇ Council.
⁇ Help us, the climate-damaging #Leaving EnergyCharterTreaty in the past where it belongs. Send a protest email: https://power-shift.de/exit-ect/
The #EnergyCharterTreaty allows it #fossilfuels to sue governments for millions of dollars for climate action.
[@Name Minister], we call on you to remove this obstacle to the green energy transition.