Trade and Investment Policy, Publication

EU Mercosur: Attack on climate protection and human rights

The consequences of the EU Association Agreement with Mercosur for people and the environment at the end of June, the negotiators of the EU and Mercosur announced a political agreement that will mark the imminent end of the [...]
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Environmental protection in the sustainability chapters of EU trade agreements

The EU wants to make its trade policy more environmentally and climate-friendly with so-called sustainability chapters. But does it work? Thomas Fritz doubts the effectiveness of the sustainability chapters in this study.
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New chapters on raw materials in EU trade agreements – a stocktaking exercise

Impact on the environment, human rights and economic development With new chapters on raw materials and energy, the EU Commission wants to ensure the best possible access to these important imported goods for European companies. In the meantime...
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With corporate lawsuits against environmental protection

What do trade policy and environmental protection have to do with each other? More than you think, because trade agreements lay the foundations for billion-dollar corporate lawsuits against environmental protection. These lawsuits are also known as ISDS (Investor State...
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