Data protection declaration

PowerShift e.V. takes the protection of personal data very seriously. We would therefore like you to know what data is stored and how it is being used.
With this data protection declaration, we inform you about the kind, extend and purpose of taking and making use of personal data.
As a non-profit organization, PowerShift e.V. is subject to the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Digital Services Act (DDG).

Who is responsible for the treatment of data at PowerShift e.V. and whom can I contact?

Responsible for the treatment of personal data is: PowerShift e.V., Greifswalder Str. 4, 10405 Berlin
Please contact us via:, +49 (0)30 2787 5736
Resonsible as laid down in the GDPR is: Peter Fuchs (Executive board)

What sources and data do we use?

We collect personal data when carrying out events and campaings, for example, on the internet and through our website. Relevant personal data include: Name and e-mail.
In case of donations also the donation amount, date of debit and IBAN and BIC (if overseas) or if you choose to transfer by PayPal we only receive your name. If you wish to receive a donation receipt also your adress. In case of events also the date of the event, time and place.

For what do we use personal data and based on what legal basis?

We process your personal data only with your approval (§6 GDPR).
We use your data for sending out newsletters, information regarding our work including calls for donation: These include information about events and publications of PowerShift and our partner organizations.
In case you want to receive this information, we need you first and surname as well as a valid e-mail address. No further data will be gathered. We only use that data for the pupose of spreading information on our work and do not pass it on to third parties. By signing up for the newsletter, we save the date and hence document your approval for taking these personal data.
In case you want to make a donation, we need your: First and surname, e-mail, amount of your donation, date of debit, IBAN und BIC (if overseas), or if you choose to transfer by PayPal we only receive your name. If you wish to receive a donation receipt also need your adress. No further data will be gathered. We only use that data for the purpose of donations administration and fundraising, and do not pass it on th third parties.
For collecting you abovely mentioned data, we use CiviCRM.

Which data from our website will be analysed?

We use YouTube in order to embed videos into our website. As most websites, YouTube also uses Cookies for collecting further data of their visitors. YouTube uses these amongst others for the purpose of gathering video statistics, avoiding fraud and to enhance user friendliness. This also connects with the Google DoubleClick Network. When you start a video, further data processing may be activated, on which we have no influence. You can find more information on data protection at YouTube and its data protection declaration here:
We use Proca from Fix The Status Quo a widget for petitions from the platform Fix The Status Quo. If you take part in one of our petitions, your data will be forwarded to Fix The Status Quo, which will store and process it. The data forwarded include your name and e-mail as well as further data necessary for the means of the petition, amongst other things the time of your participation and the URL of the page, that you used to participate in the petition. The database administrators may not use your personal information for purposes other than those requested by us. You can find their data protection guidelines here:
We do not analyse any other data.


For our website we use Matomo, a tool that anayses visitor numbers on our website. Matomo (, presviously known as Piwik, is a common project of Matomo Team members, as well as many supporters around the world. Matomo also processes personal data, esp. the IP address, which is cut short by the last octet.

Who can access my data?

Only the team members of PowerShift have access to your data. It is not passed on to third parties.

Will data be passed on to a third country or to international organisations?


What data protection rights do I have?

All our users have the rights that are mentioned in the GDPR and BDSG, in particular: information on any data stored by PowerShift, correction of data stored about you. You can request the deletion of your data and have the right to object the storage and processing of your data.
To do so, simply send an email to
You can revoke the declarations made to PowerShift at any time by using the link in our newsletters and by sending an email to
You also have the right to appeal at the responsible supervisory authority: Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit (Data protections and freedom of information office Berlin), Friedrichstr. 219, 10969 Berlin.

How long will my data be stored?

You data will stored for as long as you agree. You can revoke your agreement any time.You can revoke the declarations made to PowerShift at any time by using the link in our newsletters and by sending an email to